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Trust yourself.
See abuse for what it is.

See Through NPD is here to help victims of narcissistic abuse understand their experiences, reclaim their sense of self and take back control of their lives.

Find out more in our video below:

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Do you ever feel…

  • Nothing you say or do matters?
  • You’re always walking on eggshells?
  • You can never do enough?
  • Emotionally and mentally exhausted?
  • Completely isolated or alone?
  • You’re only existing and not living?
  • You’re constantly swinging between fear and hope?
You may be suffering the abuse of someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

You’re not alone.

People around the world suffer abuse from the narcissistic behaviour of others. The abuse can come from anyone — a partner, a family member, co-worker, or friend — and it’s never acceptable.

What is
narcissistic abuse?

NPD is a mental health condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a need for excessive admiration and a lack of empathy for others — usually masking deep insecurities and fragile self-esteem. This mindset often leads to abusive behaviours; such as manipulating and gaslighting those around them. The abuse can come in many forms but it’s always important to recognise the behaviour for what it is.

Narcissistic traits and behaviours can take on many forms and can overlap:


Crave admiration and importance for themselves, but often have low self-esteem. They feel chronically vicitimised and often act defensive. They lack empathy for others and have a tendency towards playing the victim.


Arrogant, extroverted and attention-seeking. They are self-entitled, preoccupied with success, and jealous of other people. They display their lack of empathy for others more openly.


Needing to be seen by others as the most kind, the most caring or the most generous, this type get their admiration from doing seemingly altruistic deeds. Believing themselves to be morally superior – but in reality highly territorial, passive aggressive, and hypersensitive to criticism.


Putting other people down through badmouthing, ridiculing, and name-calling makes this type feel better about themselves, and props up their fragile sense of self. Often paranoid, they feel justified in lashing out.

It’s completely normal to feel confused, isolated and controlled when you’re a target of this behaviour – you might not even realise it’s happening. The important thing is to recognise and understand what you’re going through, overcome it and evolve.

Learn more

Click the + to see helpful resources that might help you think about whether you’re experiencing NPD and how you can take action.

Understanding NPD
A simple introduction to NPD
CAMHS Professionals
3 minutes
How can we understand narcissistic behaviour?
Elinor Greenberg Ph.D
5 minutes
The psychology of narcissism
W. Keith Campbell
5 minutes
What is narcissism and how can you handle a narcissist?
A. Hussain
3 hours
Understanding one of the greatest psychological challenges of our time...
Carolyn Crist and W. Keith Campbell
8 hours
Surviving NPD
A relationship or family member
Just selfish? It may be more.
Common Craft
3 minutes
8 signs you are dealing with narcissistic abuse
Melanie Tonia Evans
8 minutes
Tips for living with a narcissist
Kendra Cherry
11 minutes
9 Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist
30 minutes
How to identify the narcissist in your life?
The Habitat
1 hour
Should you stay or should you go? How do you…
8 hours
Separating from partner
Facing the biggest challenge of your life, divorcing a narcissist
Narcissist Abuse Support
5 minutes
10 tips to help you overcome the challenges of divorcing…
Woman's divorce
10 minutes
A podcast on ‘narcissism in divorce’ with a family lawyer.
Karin Walker, Dr Supriya Mckenna
13 minutes
Divorcing a narcissist, and how to survive it.
Karin Walker, Dr Supriya Mckenna
12 hours
A psychologist and lawyer’s expert advice – 13 essential tips
Peg Streep
15 minutes
Co-parenting with a narcissist: The impossible dream
Kristy Lee Hochenberger Ph.D
6 minutes
Realistic expectations when co-parenting with a narcissist
Dr. Ramani Durvasula
8 minutes
Normal rules don’t apply, 10 essential tips
Leah Hill
12 minutes
A video series on co-parenting with a narcissist
Dr. Ramani Durvasula
15 minutes per video
The do’s and don’ts of co-parenting
Survived Divorce
20 minutes
In the workplace
How to cope with a narcissist at work
Dr Lynda Shaw
5 minutes
10 signs your co-worker is a narcissist
Preston Ni M.S.B.A
5 minutes
The quiet threat of ‘covert’ narcissists in the workplace
Bryan Lufkin
5 minutes
Understanding and dealing with narcissism at work
Brian O'Connell
7 minutes
How to protect yourself working with a narcissist
Nicole Lipkin
7 minutes
Spotting a narcissist at work
Talented Ladies Club
20 minutes
Just selfish? It may be more.
Common Craft
3 minutes
8 signs you are dealing with narcissistic abuse
Melanie Tonia Evans
8 minutes
Tips for living with a narcissist
Kendra Cherry
11 minutes
9 Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist
30 minutes
How to identify the narcissist in your life?
The Habitat
1 hour
Should you stay or should you go? How do you…
8 hours
Facing the biggest challenge of your life, divorcing a narcissist
Narcissist Abuse Support
5 minutes
10 tips to help you overcome the challenges of divorcing…
Woman's divorce
10 minutes
A podcast on ‘narcissism in divorce’ with a family lawyer.
Karin Walker, Dr Supriya Mckenna
13 minutes
Divorcing a narcissist, and how to survive it.
Karin Walker, Dr Supriya Mckenna
12 hours
A psychologist and lawyer’s expert advice – 13 essential tips
Peg Streep
15 minutes
Co-parenting with a narcissist: The impossible dream
Kristy Lee Hochenberger Ph.D
6 minutes
Realistic expectations when co-parenting with a narcissist
Dr. Ramani Durvasula
8 minutes
Normal rules don’t apply, 10 essential tips
Leah Hill
12 minutes
A video series on co-parenting with a narcissist
Dr. Ramani Durvasula
15 minutes per video
The do’s and don’ts of co-parenting
Survived Divorce
20 minutes
How to cope with a narcissist at work
Dr Lynda Shaw
5 minutes
10 signs your co-worker is a narcissist
Preston Ni M.S.B.A
5 minutes
The quiet threat of ‘covert’ narcissists in the workplace
Bryan Lufkin
5 minutes
Understanding and dealing with narcissism at work
Brian O'Connell
7 minutes
How to protect yourself working with a narcissist
Nicole Lipkin
7 minutes
Spotting a narcissist at work
Talented Ladies Club
20 minutes
Tools to help
Ways to recover and cope from self-isolation
Shahida Arabi, MA
8 minutes
9 Tips to help you recover from narcissistic abuse
Crystal Raypole
10 minutes
How might your personality change after narcissistic abuse, and how can...
E.B. Johnson
22 minutes
How can you safeguard children exposed to narcissistic parenting?
Alison Smith
3 hours
Surviving the narcissist: The path forward
5 hours
Support forums
Helpline for male victims of domestic abuse
ManKind initiative
Narcissistic abuse recovery support
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery
8 minutes
Womens Aid survivors forum
Women's AId
Anonymous group meetings for victims of narcissistic abuse
My Trauma Therapy
10 minutes
Reddit community for victims of NPD
NPD survivors Facebook group
Facebook Group
Why we exist

“In my role as a Domestic Abuse Consultant, it is critical that everyone is made aware of the devastating impact that people with NPD cause to others. This website will help so many people take back control of their life and break free from the invisible chains that have rendered them powerless for so long.”

Alison Smith

“NPD is surprisingly common. It hides in plain sight, and very few people are aware of the serious damage that someone with NPD can do to their lives. Being able to recognise it is the crucial first step in protecting oneself.”

Dr Supriya McKenna

“Shining a light on this personality disorder could, quite literally, help millions of people to recognise and manage the narcissists in their lives. But, even more importantly, it will help break the generational cycles of NPD – where NPD is passed on to children as a result of narcissistic parenting.”


“Given the damage caused by and the undetected prevalence of NPD, we wanted to build a resource to raise awareness and understanding.”

Andrew Dixon, Founder, Woodhaven Trust

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